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Save games Mass Effect 2
Games > PC
82.34 KB

Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Savegame

Mar 9, 2012

There's no much to say. You wanna play Mass Effect 3 and need savegames from ME2 to unlock goods stuff ?? Just take IT.


not much to say?
how about what all is saved. like who survived, who was romanced in ME1/ME2, how the citadel fared, etc.
i imagine fake bullshit or you'd have posted the facts.
This torrent has 4 save games. I played ME2 more or less one year ago. I do not remember very well who died on the collector ship. I have not tried any kind of relationship with the crew of the Normandi.
I'm just trying to help those who have not played ME2, if not like the torrent, do not download it.
This torrent has 4 save games. I played ME2 more or less one year ago. I really do not remember those who died on the collector ship. I did not have any relationship with any of the crew of Normandi. I'm trying to help those who have not played ME2, or did not keep your save games. If you do not like the torrent file, not download it.
better to just use then you know what saves you're getting